Ref. Your conclusion : "The Watchtower leaders don't give a damn."
Interestingly, according to Raymond Franz in his Crisis of Conscience, N.H. Knorr actually once admitted to this:
i.e. The JW religion does not care about the welfare of its membership - being concerned only with numerical increase, to the detriment of everything else.
So your conclusion must be correct, when even WTS leadership agrees with it!
PS: A fitting end result of this callous policy would be for the JWs to lose the very thing that WTS leadership has placed above everything else - membership. wha happened? may well be right regarding what happens as us baby-boomers age, and their financial contributions cease. It would hit the WTS in the one place that is guaranteed to hurt them - the hip pocket. (No good trying to kick them in the guts, they haven't got any!)